Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson gets Married in Lake Como

8th of June is a significant date for many reasons for people around the world. It is a day of liberation in several countries. On this day in 1789 James Madison introduced a proposed Bill of Rights in the US House of Representation while in 1975 Australia showed itself to be a more tolerant society when they legalized homosexuality.

It is also a date that is important for female empowerment. In 1929 Margaret Bondfield became the United Kingdom’s first female minister, taking up the role of Minister of Labour, while in 1978 Naomi James became the first female to sail around the world solo, setting a new fastest time for the route whilst doing so.

It is also a noteworthy date in the world of entertainment, as in 1984 the classic comedy movie Ghostbusters was released.

All of these milestones, the great, the important and the more trivial, are of note to Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson as he feels passionately about equal rights for all (and Ghostbusters is one of his favorite movies.)

The 8th of June has taken on a new significance for Lord Neil however as this will forevermore be the date of his wedding anniversary. Surrounded by family and friends, with the stunning Lake Como and Alps as a backdrop, Lord Gibson said “I do” in a personal ceremony before enjoying a night of Champagne and dancing. It was a stunning day and one which will live long in the memory of all those in attendance.

It was a glorious day in the stunning grounds of Villa Balbianello and love was in the air for Lord Neil Gibson and his beautiful bride. The stunning 18th century Villa has been the location for the James Bond movie Casino Royal as well Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones and the stylish and exotic of these movies was in evidence at this location once again for the nuptials of Gibson.

Another significant fact about the 8th of June is that it is Best Friends Day and Lord Neil feels truly blessed to be lucky enough to have married his best friend. Best wishes to Lord and Lady Gibson in their future together.

Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson Hosts Gathering to Celebrate Royal Wedding

There is a reason a cliché becomes a cliché. Cliché’s are the building blocks of language. They are the basic tools we all need to convey our thoughts and the simple fact is, more often than not, things have already been said in a manner more succinct and exact than anything we could come up with ourselves.

royal wedding

On Saturday afternoon last (19th May) Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson hosted a gathering of close friends in his residence on the Palm Jumeirah in Dubai and amongst the excitement of the day Lord Neil took the opportunity for some reflection. It was a select group of guests who enjoyed strawberries and scones with a glass of Champagne. Guest of honor was Linda Heath, a close friend and confidant of Lord Neil Gibson, who hails from the town of Windsor. The occasion was of course to celebrate the Royal Wedding and while he watched the pomp and excitement surrounding the marriage of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle, Gibson couldn’t help but think to himself the old cliché “there’s no place like home.”

It’s over twenty years since Lord Gibson’s sense of adventure and entrepreneurial spirit caused him to leave his homeland and move to America and even though he now resides four and half thousand miles away from St. Georges Chapel on the grounds of Windsor Castle, while he sat alongside his own soon to be bride, he could not help but feel proud of his home country. The eyes of the world were on this relatively small island perched in the Atlantic and once again Britain truly showed itself to be Great Britain.

Gibson looked on as the formerly impish Prince Harry waited nervously for his Princess and smiled as the clearly nervous Prince broke with convention to look down the aisle for a glimpse of his bride before she reached the alter. Lord Gibson thought that it was a nice touch for Prince Charles to meet Markle half way up the aisle and enjoyed seeing a tender side from the usually stoic royal family as Harry muttered “thanks Pa” when his father gave Meghan away to him. Gibson also shared the laughter with many as Bishop Michael Curry delivered his memorable sermon but Lord Gibson himself has a strong individualistic streak and he quite enjoyed watching Bishop Curry cause a minor stir.

Lord Gibson also had thoughts of his own family as he watched Prince Harry marry Meghan. He couldn’t help but think that if you were to take away the cameras and crowds you would simply have two young people promising themselves to one another in the presence of their friends and family, just the same as every other wedding. Gibson’s mind flashed forward a few weeks to his own nuptials in Lake Como and grew excited at the thoughts of his own loved ones flying to Italy from Britain, Ireland, America and the U.A.E.

It was a great day in Windsor and it was a great day in Dubai as Lord Neil Gibson and his fiancée Orla hosted their friends. Three cheers to the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson signs deal with Imperial Capital LLC

April 29th was a significant day for Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson and LNBG Investment LLC as on that date Lord Gibson signed contracts with Imperial Capital Investments LLC. This multi-million Dollar deal is in relation to land, owned by Gibson in The Bahamas, totaling over 700 Acres. 

The land in The Bahamas was purchased by Gibson several years ago and is further proof of his entrepreneurial spirit and his uncanny ability to see potential where others may overlook. This particular piece of land has a storied past, having once being owned by Michael Jackson prior to his death in June, 2009. but is now ripe for development and Lord Gibson is excited about what is coming in the very near future.  

Lord Neil B Gibson

Closes Deal

This development will be a massive boost to the Caribbean island which is still struggling to recover from the confusion surrounding the 2017 mega storm, Hurricane Irma. Whilst The Bahamas was more fortunate than other parts of the Caribbean, it’s hotels were largely open for business again within a week of the Hurricane passing though, it is still suffering indirectly from confusion and fear amongst tourists who are unsure which islands got hit the worst or are possibly even afraid of the potential of further super storms in the future. 

Gibson has been working tirelessly to broker a deal with a well know international group and this recent agreement with Capital Investment LLC, who are licensed by UAE Central Bank, will greatly assist the deal as they are guaranteeing the funds required. At the time writing negotiations remain ongoing and as such not too many details can be announced. However, as progress is made and more details can be released Lord Gibson will make sure to reveal all.  

The massive investment and construction that Neil Gibson is striving for will send out a beacon to holiday-makers around the world that The Bahamas is indeed open for business and should give people the reassurance needed to once again make the island nation the destination of choice for luxury, relaxation and recreation. 

Lord Neil B. Gibson, Expands Business to Dubai UAE

Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson is one of the UK’s most successful Business men around the globe.

Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson shifted his family’s business from LEEDS England. He turned his real estate projects into a successful international businesses. All the way from the western hemisphere to Middle East. Spending 27 years living in the United States of America, Lord Neil Gibson took his established Business resume to Dubai UAE. His resume involved real estate projects to restaurant and club owner. Lord Neil B Gibson developed online gaming Businesses and became a financial mogul. This allowed Lord Gibson to take his philanthropical ambitions across all nations. They are only a few of small list of Business accomplishments by Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson.

Lord Gibson quoted, “My inspiration for all These accomplishments came to me from my late father Wilfred gibson”. “He was my biggest teacher in life and I looked up to him and often think in times of decisions, what would my father do”. The best piece of advice I got was from him was “If opportunity doesn’t knock build a door”

Lord neil Benjamin Gibson was in attendance of a iftar for the holy month of Ramadan.
*Ramadan is the month where all muslims around the world fast for 30 days from dawn to Dusk. Fasting is the forth pillar of the Islamic state. It makes muslims all around the world more aware of the blessings and also creates awareness for those less fortunate. Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson has a incredible reputation of philanthropy and charity work in the past from country’s in Africa to Belize.
It is no surprise Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson shows his enthusiasm to get involved in the holy month of Ramadan.
Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson also chose to work with al Noor charity for children with disabilities. As Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson is a proud father of 3 beautiful children this is a charity that warms close to his heart. Lord Gibson often gets involved with children less fortunate  and with life affecting illnesses.



PRLog (Press Release) – Jun. 17, 2014 – LAS VEGAS — Lord Neil Benjamin Gibson is taking up the charge to bring the “right to be forgotten” law to the United States. In England, a recent ruling by a judge brought about the first major change to Google’s algorithm with regards to removal of content, known as the “right to be forgotten.” What the law states is that an English citizen has the right to etition Google to remove information from its index that is false, outdated or irrelevant. This gave thousands of residents of the UK the ability to have information about them which is indexed on Google removed, as long as they can state reasoning that proves that the information is within the guidelines. This provokes the question, why is Google allowed to be the catalist for false information spread in all other countries as well? Do citizens not have the right to remove information that is slanderous? Lord Neil Gibson successfuly used the United States court system to remove several websites that were linked to a business rival and which were spreading falsified information, so why can he not use this same right to petition Google in the United States to de-index additional information that cannot be traced directly back to a specific author?

With “false news” squarely in the headlights of the discussion, Google has had to recognize that providing the exposure mechanism for peopel to spread false information about other people disguised as news makes them part of the problem. There is no way to completely stop everyone from speaking poorly of each other, but the ability to generate a situaltion where the false information looks true, like creating a website that appears to have it’s source as the person being defamed, should not be allowed. Through an easy manipulation of text and links, anyone can create a website that appears to be legitimate and yet spreads completely inaccurate information, and Google being used as the transfer mechanizm so that people are duped into believing the information on that site as the truth brings Google into the conversation with regards to fault. A person can sue another person for defamation, so why can they not also bring the publicity source into question as aiding in the defamation as well? Lord Neil Gibson plans to exercise his rights to have this argument heard in all countries where Google has a reach and lets itself be used to spread lies.

Is Google responsible for Lord Neil Gibson’s issues regarding false news about him online? The answer remains to be seen, but Gibson himself plans to take the charge up to rid the internet of false information, starting with his own.

Raymond Santopietro

Ukraine tensions drive crude oil prices above $100 a barrel


An image from Nov. 10, 2010 shows oil

An image from Nov. 10, 2010 shows oil refineries in Deer Park, Texas. (Credit: AP / David J. Phillip)

The price of U.S. oil climbed above $102 a barrel Wednesday amid ongoing tensions in Ukraine and an industry report showing crude stocks falling at a key U.S. storage hub.

By early afternoon in Europe, benchmark U.S. crude for June delivery was up 38 cents to $102.08 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange. On Tuesday, the Nymex contract jumped $1.11 to settle at $101.70, its highest close since April 24. Brent crude, an international benchmark, was up 54 cents to $109.78 a barrel on the ICE Futures exchange in London.

Much of the focus in energy markets remains centered on Ukraine, where the government has agreed to launch talks on decentralizing power within the framework of a European-backed peace plan. However, pro-Russian insurgents who have declared independence in two eastern regions have not been invited. On Tuesday, officials said six soldiers were killed and nine injured in an ambush by the insurgents.

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“Prices were boosted by the escalation of the situation in east Ukraine,” analysts at Commerzbank in Frankfurt said in a report.

Oil prices were also supported by a report from the industry-funded American Petroleum Institute that showed an unexpected decline of 590,000 barrels in crude stockpiles in Cushing, Oklahoma, the Nymex contract’s settlement point. Crude supplies, however, rose overall by 912,000 barrels.

On Wednesday, the Energy Department will issue its benchmark report on U.S. crude supplies. According to a survey of analysts by Platts, they are forecast to have fallen last week by 1.5 million barrels. That would be the second weekly decline since the nation’s supply of oil reached a record 399.4 million barrels as of April 25.

In other energy futures trading in New York:

• Wholesale gasoline gained 1.77 cents to $2.9333 a gallon.

• Natural gas added 4.1 cents to $4.399 per 1,000 cubic feet.

• Heating oil rose 1.11 cents to $2.9551 a gallon.


OGPM / LNBG LLC PROJECT BUSINESS PLAN The prospect Known as LA-1 has several other sites that are adjacent to it that are available through the same entity that is selling us the LA-1 site.


The additional lease acreage is known as Fosse Point and adds 6 more producing wells bringing the total active well count to 9 with a combined existing income of $2,500,000 per month Gross “as is”. The additional asset has 16 wells that can be added to the existing production and the total expected income from all wells when drilled will be between $20 million and $30 Million per month. The existing wells will have a work over to improve the flow rate and to update the technology used for extraction.

Out dated gravel packs will be replaced by screens in the sands wells to increase flow by 200% to 500% depending upon the viscosity of the oil and water content. There are two types of new wells to be drilled one is a straight vertical 7,000 foot well with no fracturing required at a cost of $3 Million per well and the other is a 15,000 foot horizontal well with fracturing that will cost $8 Million per well. With 10 Vertical and 6 Horizontal wells that are needed to be drilled.

Total cost for additional drilling will be $78 million and this can be done at any time over the next few years or all at once and be done this year. The in ground PV10 reserves are 20 million BBL oil and 1 Trillion Cubic Feet Gas. Or in cash terms $2 Billion in oil and $6 Billion in Gas over the next 30 years.

Decline rate of 10% per year for the first 5 years then it levels out to about 5% or less for the next 25 to 30 years. These wells are long lived and produce for several decades. The chart below will show the 10% decline.

5 Year snap shot with all new drilling done in 2014&15 showing the increased income in 2016 (+/- 10%)


2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Gross Income 30,000,000 100,000,000 270,000,000 243,000,000 218,700,000
Royalties (25%) 7,500,000 25,000,000 67,500,000 60,750,000 54,675,000
Operating Expense 2,500,000 14,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000
Net Income 20,000,000 61,000,000 177,500,000 157,250,000 139,025,000



Operating expense and royalties will remain constant.

Our company will be the Operator of Record for these wells. Additional Prospects in the United States include West Texas prospect with $5.2 Million per month existing income expandable to $80 Million per month and 2 others under investigation by O&G Production Management at this time. No prospects outside the USA are being considered at this time but we will re-evaluate that position after 2016.

O&G Production Management, Inc. LNBG LLC.
8800 Broadway, Ste 200 San Antonio TX 78217

Clarification on the Central Bank Warning against Handels Securities and Lord Neil Gibson


Seven Letters from Minister Contreras to Lord Gibson Discussed

vlcsnap-2014-04-04-07h21m37s235Lord GibsonWe now take a closer look at Lord Neil B Gibson. Lord Gibson came into the spotlight earlier this year when, as a foreign investor, he provided financial support and an online endorsement for Ralph Huang’s political campaign in Cayo South.

It created quite a stir in the Public as Lord Gibson claimed that with that victory, he awaited Ralph Huangs appointment to a Ministerial Position within Government. Another development that soon evolved was the extent of the relationship Between Lord Gibson and Minister Erwin Contreras.

Lord Gibson’s website proudly boasts that the partnership has been working closely with the Honourable Erwin Rafael Contreras, Trade Investment, Private Sector Development and Consumer Protection.”

PlusNews identified at least 7 letters of comfort, all on Ministry of Trade Letterhead and signed by Minister Contreras himself or on his behalf. We sat down with Michael Singh, CEO in the Ministry of Trade to have a frank discussion on the letters.

vlcsnap-2014-04-04-06h51m13s36Michael Singh – CEO in the Ministry of Trade

“Let me answer this for you as clearly as I can.  I have met Lord Nelson personally once.  He asked for an appointment and has been in to visit with me.  I don’t know the gentleman very well.  I do know that he, from what I understand, was involved in business offshore type industry, financial services, of which… not very clear to me exactly what it is that he does with offshore financial services.  He had expressed an interest, from what I understand, in setting up a bank in Belize.  He was under the impression, at one point in time, that the Small Farmers’ Bank would have been for sale, but the Small Farmers’ Bank is not a bank.  So clearly, you can’t sell a bank that’s not a bank as a bank.”  

How did Lord Gibson get that idea that a Government Bank was up for sale?  Well, one of the letters from Minister Contreras dated May 7, 2012, has a clue.

Hon. Erwin Contreras requested help in the Launching of Belize’s National Bank! The government of Belize is currently seeking necessary funding and investors …. One of the current programs … is exploring the possibility if turning the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) into a National Bank. We invite Interstate group and Lord Neil B. Gibson to assist the country and Belizean people with this vital economic program.”

Gibson did set up his own Financial Services Company in Belize: Handels Security Ltd.  But queries began coming to Central Bank and in February of 2013, Central Bank issued a warning on Gibson’s company; Handel’s Security Ltd. Until recently, Michael Singh sat on the Central Bank Board. He had this to say about that warning.

Michael Singh

“Well, it’s factual.  It’s factual that he is not authorized to transact, because he doesn’t have a banking license in Belize.  So, I think it was a clarification, and the clarification came through requests coming in from inquiries, asking whether or not he has such a license, and that the warning was just clarifying that he doesn’t.  But it doesn’t mean that the man is a bad guy.  It just means that he’s not licensed to do those things in Belize.  Belize is not in the habit of inviting financial service operators that don’t have a track record or that will not survive under the scrutiny of international organizations.  At the Central Bank, on which board I sat on for two years, I will tell you that the prudency that the bank goes through is extremely tight.”

Yet in spite of the warning, another letter written and signed by Minister Erwin Contreras dated March 24, countered the Central Bank warnings. That letter, again on Ministry of Trade Letterhead, states,  we did a separate investigation into allegations made against Handel’s Securities Ltd., and found them all to be false claims.  I personally sat with the chairman of the Central Bank of Belize and Mr. Gibson, and we were told by the Chairman that the Central Bank was investigating Handel’s Bank & Trust Co Ltd. an international bank licensed in Belize, for alleged wrong doing, not Handel’s Securities…. we would be happy to speak with anyone regarding this matter.  We asked Minister Singh what investigations could His Ministry carry out that could declare the allegations as false claims.

Michael Singh

“I think the word investigation might be the word that’s a little confusing.  It really is background checks that we do.  Investigation seems to indicate that it’s a criminal investigation.

Louis Wade – Plus TV News

“It gives the impression that the kind of investigation that was done is likened to the kind of investigation done by Central Bank.”

Michael Singh

“It’s a background check.  Well, I will tell you that, within our Ministry we have a lot of foreign investors that we deal with.  One of the requirements of an EPZ license, for instance, is that there must be a background check of the principals of the company, before we give them an Export Processing Zone.  I don’t think that the letter said the man is licensed.  It never went against what the Central Bank said.”

In actuality the letter written by Contreras did give the impression that Handels security was still licensed. “This letter serves as confirmation and support… that Handels Securities Ltd is licensed with the International Finance Services Commission of Belize and the licenses are in good standing until 2014.”

We also asked CEO Singh how could he or his ministry be asked by the Minister to defend or speak to anyone on behalf of an Investor.

Michael Singh

“A Central Bank regulatory issue is completely different.  I am not at liberty to discuss a Central Bank regulatory issue with anyone, because part of my role on the Board of the Central Bank is that we sign an agreement for confidentiality, which has to be respected.  You know, whether it’s Lord Gibson, or whether it’s you, whether it’s Joe Blow on the street, I have to respect that.  OK?  So I would not be in a position to clarify or dent anything in respect to what happens in Central Bank deliberations, regarding any investor.  I can confirm that a letter was sent out, speaking to a warning, regarding activities by any entity that’s not licensed to do that.  That’s a public warning that went out.  I can speak to that.  If somebody would come in here and ask me if this man is a legitimate or not, that’s a very hard thing for me to decide.  All I can tell you is what our background checks have shown, and our background checks have not shown any criminal activity by the gentleman.”

In Friday’s newscast CEO Singh gives his opinion on Lord Neil Gibson’s varied interests in Belize and he speaks frankly on the issue of Comfort Letters to investors.